Below are the official social media templates which you can use you promote your own Wildcraft Adventure™ events to your customers online.
Please note: These images must be used in their entirety and cannot be cropped or altered in anyway without prior approval from Woodland Classroom.
As part of your Wildcraft Adventure™ Pack, you’ll see the Media Pack. This gives you guidelines and best practise to use when promoting your own events online. In case you’ve not had a chance to read through this yet, we’ve copied the guidelines included there on “Promoting your Wildcraft Adventure™ events through social media” below…
The more people you can reach through social media, the larger your potential audience for your events and other business activities. Woodland Classroom have already set up official Wildcraft Adventure™ pages on the most popular social media platforms.
“By linking your social media posts with us we will be able to help you spread the word about your Wildcraft Adventure™ events and enable you to reach a larger audience. Using the official tags and hashtags will ensure that we at Woodland Classroom can see your event and so can help you promote it online.
Suggested Social Media Tags:
You can use these across all social media platforms as you like.
#wildcraftadventure #playwildcraft
We appreciate that some social media formats, such as Twitter & Instagram, won’t work best if you have to dump in a large amounts of descriptive text, like we’ve given you in this Media Pack. For instance, we understand that Twitter gives you a limited number of characters per tweet.
So, when using social media to advertise your events we’d simply ask you to exercise fair play when it comes to crediting Woodland Classroom as the creators of Wildcraft Adventure™ and ask that you tag your social media posts using the tags given above wherever practically possible.
Remember, your success is our success and vice versa. “A rising tide floats all boats.”
We wish you the best of luck with your events.
James & Lea
Woodland Classroom
The Official Wildcraft Adventure™ facebook page can be found at:
Use the tag @wildcraftadventure when posting your events and sharing event photos.
Click the image for full version
Facebook event cover picture.
Facebook post picture (for News Feed posts).
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Twitter post picture
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Instagram post picture
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Pinterest graphic
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Tumblr graphic