Through our quality training, teachers will gain a new confidence to take their lessons outdoors, using nature as their inspiration and abundant, free learning resource.
You will gain new skills and practical techniques which you can implement in your setting with nature as the focus to deliver core subjects in the curriculum. Increasing outdoor learning in schools is proven to get great results with children of all abilities.
Our qualified and experienced team work with schools across Wales, the Borders and the North West to offer accredited training and INSET workshops for schools, nurseries and college students.
“The new Curriculum for Wales signals an exciting opportunity to embed Outdoor Learning and environmental responsibility at the heart of education in Wales and place out of classroom learning in the hands of teachers & practitioners.” Wales Council for Outdoor Learning
Our trainers are constantly improving their own skills and knowledge of current trends in outdoor education. We are active members of the Institute for Outdoor Learning, Forest School Association and Learning Through Landscapes.
“A fabulous experience today at Ladywell Children’s Centre with Woodland Classroom. We as staff are now more inspired to get the children outside.” Sarah Rowlands, Ladywell Nursery

Woodland Activity Leader Training (WALT)
Accredited training in delivering outdoor education
You will learn the essential outdoor skills needed to lead your own exciting outdoor education sessions for all ages and abilities. WALT is accredited through the NCFE with a Level 2 qualification.
- Gain insight into the many approaches to outdoor learning
- Learn key bushcraft skills to use with your groups
- Discover a variety of environmental education games
- Learn how to safely use a range of hand tools with your groups
- Gain confidence in identifying trees, plants and wildlife
- Learn how to do risk assessment and group management for the outdoors
This training includes a 3 day outdoor practical course, accompanied by online learning modules.

Increasing Outdoor Learning Provision for Early Years & Primary
1 day course
Getting outdoors has proven benefits to learning. Whether you are looking to introduce, or extend your current outdoor learning, this session can provide a host of curriculum linked ideas for you to explore.
- Get ideas & tips for for developing your outdoor learning across the curriculum
- Reflect on where you are currently in outdoor learning and where you aspire to be
- Taking literacy & numeracy outdoors
- Identify barriers to taking learning outside & find solutions
- Explore useful resources to make outdoor learning as easy as possible
- Improving your school grounds for outdoor play & learning
This training uses a framework devised by Learning Through Landscapes

Introducing Fire Lighting & Woodland Skills
1 day course
Over the past ten years there has been an explosion of interest in using woodland skills with children in natural settings. This interactive training will cover fire lighting and curriculum linked activities for your setting.
- How to light fires confidently, keep them lit & extinguish them safely
- Managing groups around a fire & risk assessment
- Ideas for campfire cooking with groups
- Setting up your own fire circle
- Teaching children to light fires
- Positive risk management & overcoming fears/concerns using fire with children
- Using objects from nature within activities & games
- Tips on using a woodland in teaching practise
This training uses a framework devised by Learning Through Landscapes

Getting the Most Out of Loose Parts & Den Making
1 day course
Providing a variety of loose parts and den making equipment is one of the simplest ways that you can promote creative play in your school grounds. This training module will provide you with some tips to getting going.
- Practical tips & activity ideas for using loose parts
- Safe As Houses; building dens that don’t fall down
- Promoting imaginative, creative & problem-solving skills
- Overcoming fears around loose parts & den building equipment
- Sourcing loose parts & den building equipment
This training uses a framework devised by Learning Through Landscapes

IOL Bushcraft Competency Award
2 day course (with optional ½ day assessment)
An assessed award covering bushcraft skills and knowledge suitable for instructors working in outdoor centres or schools and delivering bushcraft skills sessions. This course has been devised by the IOL (Institute for Outdoor Learning).
- Covers 5 units; edged tools – knives & saw, fire, tarp shelters & knots, water and campfire cooking.
- Gain confidence & hard skills in delivering bushcraft & woodland skills.
- Produce a logbook to consolidate your learning & experience.
- Certification through the IOL Awards Centre.
- Open to all with an interest in passing bushcraft skills and knowledge on to others.
For more information please follow this link.

Introduction to Forest School for Early Years & Primary
1 day course
Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting.
- What is Forest School.
- Why Forest Schools work; understanding the approach & pedagogy.
- Understanding the benefits of Forest School.
- Ideas for activities using natural materials.
- How to set up your Forest School space.
- Putting the 6 Principles of Forest School into practise.
This course is perfect for teachers considering implementing Forest School in their setting or for FE/HE students wanting an introduction to this subject.
“The workshop you delivered has had a huge impact on my personal wellbeing. I left the session feeling calmer and more relaxed than I had in a long time. The strategies you shared reminded me very much of my own childhood and the upbringing that I was fortunate enough to have. It reinforced how crucial these experiences are to share with the children we teach. I am very much looking forward to developing outdoor learning experiences this year, and would like to thank you for the time you spent, and the many strategies and ideas you shared.” Siân Beynon, Teacher
When it comes to core subjects, there are so many children who don’t thrive in a formal classroom environment. However, by teaching a subject like Maths outside, all children have a chance to succeed because the subject is taught in a three dimensional and kinesthetic way, those that make, craft and build can learn about numbers, shapes, angles and patterns all while being outside in the fresh air, getting active and feeling calm.
Putting a creative pen to paper can be daunting too, but take literacy outdoors and it becomes easier for kids as the stimulus is all around them. When applied to the real world, subjects like numeracy and literacy are no longer theoretical, they become relevant and come alive!

“We highly recommend Woodland Classroom as trainers. Lea and James delivered a training day for GROW-Wellbeing CIC staff and volunteers, incorporating a tailored mindfulness and bushcraft programme. Both trainers generously shared their knowledge and skills with us throughout the day, engaging each participant to reach a deeper level of understanding of the areas covered. They are extremely professional, bringing all equipment required to our site, and have been great communicators during planning and on the day. We have no hesitation in recommending Woodland Classroom as trainers.” Duane Chong
Book now
Take the first step toward giving your staff training that will inspire, motivate and enable them to bring effective outdoor learning to your organisation. Simply get us in touch with using the form below.

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