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Wild Food & Foraging Walk Videos

Thanks again for joining our Tribe on Patreon. Please enjoy these videos as a thank you from us. Happy foraging!

In case you didn’t already know, these videos are just a taste of a much larger online course programme Your Wild Food Year available online exclusively through Woodland Classroom.

In the full course, you’ll go from clueless to confident on your journey to enjoying foraged plants, fungi, fruits and more with this detailed guide to identifying and cooking with the best wild edibles of Great Britain & Ireland.

Discover the joy of finding, harvesting and cooking with wild food with the very best each month has to offer. You will learn what to look for, where to look, and what to do with it in the kitchen.

This extensive online video course is available right now and as a much valued patron you get a discount, up to 30% off! There’s even a free taster version of the course you can check out too. To find out more, follow the link below:


Also, if you want to find out about our upcoming outdoor courses, in foraging, bushcraft and nature connection then simply head to the bottom of this page.

Your Foraging Videos…

Discover the best wild foods to be found in the middle of winter.

There’s more wild food to be found in winter than you might think.

Early edible greens are beginning to show themselves in February.

The foraging season kicks into high gear with the arrival of spring.

Mid-Spring is an abundant time for wild foods. Discover them here.

May bring us more wild foods, including a surprise underground.

Summer is here and that brings new wild foods to find.

High summer brings us our first wild berries as well as edible flowers.

The end of summer gives us our first big mushroom harvest & more.

There’s so much to find in August, we needed two videos!

Autumn is a season of abundance. Berries, nuts & fungi are everywhere.

October is the height of the autumn forager’s season. Discover why with this video.

Watch our special walk focused on Hedgerow Medicine.

Join Lea for a special look at her wild medicine collection.

December can be slim pickings, but there are a few gems to find.

Christmas time is the perfect excuse to forage for natural craft materials.

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