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Wildcraft Home Edition: Your Training Video

Thanks so much for buying the Wildcraft: Home Edition™. We’re sure you (and more importantly, the kids) will love it.

A very warm welcome also to you on joining the growing Wildcraft community. Whether you’ve had a chance to look at the rule book or not, you can check out the video below which will give you a run down of how the game works. Make sure you keep the link to this web page handy so you can refer back to the video again when you need it.

By now you should have downloaded your Home Edition: Rule Book PDF. If you missed that, send us an email and we can get another right out to you.

We know you will have a great time playing Wildcraft: Home Edition™ with kids and we wish you all the success and laughter we’ve had. If you have any questions, please get in touch with us.

Enjoy reloading the outdoors!

James & Lea

We hope that your children will enjoy playing Wildcraft again and again, and once they know the rules inside out they’ll probably begin creating their own magical items, monsters and challenges  – the possibilities are endless!

We would love you to share your stories and pictures of playing your home grown Wildcraft Adventures™, so please get in touch via the official Wildcraft Adventure facebook page.

Lastly, if you would think Wildcraft Adventures™ would work great at your local school, summer camp, outdoor activity centre or public event then you need to grab one of our Wildcraft Adventure™ Packs, specially designed for anyone wanting to host paying groups. Our Packs contain all the support you need to make your events a success, as any Organisation who has joined our growing Wildcraft community will tell you…

“Wildcraft is the best activity we have ever found!”

Brenda Sutter, Laurel Tree Charter School, California

“Wow! What a full on, wild and adventurous day for our kids AND leaders in the woods. Learning new skills, making friends, exploring, building, crafting, cooking and getting muddy…THIS is what real gaming is all about! Really glad we used the pack as it has saved us so much lesson planning and resource time and it is something we will go back to using all year.”

Holly James, KidsGroWild, England

If you want to find out more about our Wildcraft Adventure™ Packs you can check out the video below.

wildcraft adventure

Notice: Not For Commerical Use.

This product (Wildcraft: Home Edition™) is for home use only. This product is protected by copyright and any public use, copying, editing are prohibitied unless expressly authorised.

No part of this product including, but not limited to, the text, graphics, images, logos, videos and html source code may be modified, reproduced, transmitted, distributed, publicly displayed or utilized for any commercial purpose, in any form, by any means, in whole or in part, without specific written permission of Woodland Classroom.

If you are interested in hosting Wildcraft events for commercial purposes then please contact Woodland Classroom at to discuss the range of Wildcraft Adventure™ products that are available and created for commerical use.

Copyright Notice

Wildcraft Adventure is a registered trademark of Woodland Classroom.

Copyright 2018 Woodland Classroom. All Rights Reserved.

The right of Woodland Classroom to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, sections 77 and 78. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the publisher and copyright owner. This material is sold subject to the condition that all designs are copyright and are not for commercial reproduction without the permission of the designer and copyright owner. Whilst every effort has been made to obtain permission from the copyright holders for all material used in this product, the publishers will be pleased to hear from anyone who has not been appropriately acknowledged and to make the correction where possible. Woodland Classroom can accept no legal responsibility for any consequences arising from the application of information, advice or instructions given in this product.


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