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Make a Birdfeeder on a Budget

Make a Birdfeeder on a Budget

With the winter still upon us, February is a lean time of the year for our feathered friends, so why not give them a helping hand, whilst also recycling something we all have hanging around the house – loo rolls. Why pay out for a plastic feeder when this simple solution will do the trick.

Birdfeeder CollageWhat You’ll Need:
Loo roll or kitchen roll tube • Lard • Mixed birdseed • Some string and a stick


1. Tie a length of string around the middle point of your stick, securing it and making a loop in the loose end, leaving it long enough to hang outside your tube.

2. Melt some lard in a pan and then pour it onto an old baking tray. Allow it to cool and almost solidify, then roll the tube in the fat a few times to build up the layers.

3. Either roll the sticky tube in a tray of birdseed or sprinkle the seed onto the tube to get good coverage.

4. Carefully thread the string through the tube, so that the stick acts as a perch at the base.

5. You’re now ready to hang it in the garden, watch and wait for the birds to tuck in.

6. Any leftover lard and birdseed can be rolled up into a fat ball for the birds to enjoy.

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